Los Angeles, California – The ABC series “Abbott Elementary” returned for its third season with a twist. The comedy, created by Quinta Brunson, picked up five months into the school year and only flashed back to the beginning of the year to synchronize with real life. The delay in the show’s return was due to a months-long production halt caused by the 2023 writers and actors strikes. As a result, the season will consist of 14 episodes instead of the usual 22. Brunson, who stars as Janine Teagues, welcomed the lighter load and joked about it during a recent interview.
For the new season, the show takes a different approach by placing Janine outside of the classroom and inside the Philadelphia School District. The season premiere showcased the character participating in the fellowship program and featured guest stars Josh Segarra, Kimia Behpoornia, and Benjamin Norris. The episode also included surprise cameos from Philadelphia Eagles players Jalen Hurts, Jason Kelce, and Brandon Graham.
Co-showrunners Patrick Schumacker and Justin Halpern revealed that the original plan for season three was to focus on the district. However, the strike caused a rethinking of the timeline, leading to the decision to incorporate a time jump. Schumacker described the challenge of plotting out the jumps in the writers’ room, likening it to rocket science due to the nonlinear storytelling.
Despite the show’s popularity, the producers are careful about the guest stars they choose. They want the appearances to make sense within the context of the Philadelphia-set school and maintain the show’s documentary-style approach. Brunson teased that there are some exciting guest stars in store for this season.
As the new season kicks off, fans are eager for more episodes of the beloved series. With a fresh storyline and surprises in store, “Abbott Elementary” continues to entertain audiences with its unique take on the school comedy genre.