Las Vegas, Nevada – Nathan Griffith, known for his appearance on “Teen Mom 2,” is facing legal complications related to his wife, May Oyola. The news broke on Monday that Oyola was arrested on Saturday and charged with domestic battery, allegedly following a confrontation with Griffith. Court documents obtained by The Ashley confirmed that Oyola’s first offense was considered a misdemeanor. She appeared in court on Sunday with the assistance of a Spanish language interpreter. The court found enough probable cause to proceed with the case against her, assigning her a preliminary attorney.
Oyola was able to post bail on Monday under the condition that she avoids any further trouble. Similar to Griffith, she must comply with the rules of the Pretrial Compliance Unit (PCU) in Clark County, Nevada. Oyola will require “Level III” monitoring, which includes reporting to the PCU after each court date and adhering to scheduled and random check-ins each month. Additionally, she must utilize the unit’s AIR check-in app or a designated mobile phone for monitoring purposes.
This incident comes after a period of on-and-off-again relationship between Oyola and Griffith, who got married in 2022. Just days before Oyola’s arrest, she posted a picture on Instagram of herself, Griffith, and their dog, expressing well wishes for the new year. However, Griffith has yet to publicly comment on his wife’s legal troubles.
Oyola’s next court date is set for February 5, during which she will learn if a criminal complaint has been filed against her. The couple’s tumultuous relationship has been a topic of concern for their friends and family over the years. Notably, Griffith himself is currently on the PCU’s highest level of monitoring, Level IV, due to a strangulation charge in July. The charge pertains to an alleged assault on his sister, Heather Griffith.