Chennai, India – The Tamil movie “Annapoorani,” featuring Nayanthara, has sparked a major controversy on social media due to alleged “anti-Hindu scenes.” The film was released on December 1 and began streaming on Netflix on December 29.
Facing severe criticism, Netflix decided to take down the movie. Additionally, an FIR was filed against the movie makers in Madhya Pradesh. In response to the backlash, Zee Studios, the co-producers of the film, issued an apology, clarifying that the intention of the movie was not to hurt the sentiments of Hindus and Brahmins.
The production house also announced that the movie would not return to Netflix until the controversial scenes are edited.
The film faced backlash for deeply hurting Hindu sentiments, with several right-wing social media users expressing their anger and calling for legal action against the filmmakers. Right-wing groups also organized protests against the film in some locations.
In a complaint filed against the movie makers, Jawan-actress Nayanthara, Jai, Nilesh Krishna, Jatin Sethi of Naad Studios, R Ravindran of Trident Arts, Punit Goenka of Zee Studios, Shariq Patel, and Monika Shergil of Netflix India were named.
The controversy arose due to scenes in the movie that were seen as offensive to the Hindu community. One scene depicted a Hindu priest’s daughter offering Namaz to cook Biryani, another promoted “Love Jihad,” and there was a reference to Lord Ram being a meat eater.
Despite the apology from the production house, the movie continues to face significant backlash on social media, with users expressing their discontent and questioning the portrayal of Hindu traditions and beliefs.
In conclusion, the Tamil movie “Annapoorani” has stirred a controversy for its alleged “anti-Hindu scenes.” The film was taken down from Netflix, and an apology was issued by the co-producers. However, the backlash continues on social media platforms, with users expressing their anger and disappointment.