HYDERABAD, India – The release of the highly anticipated film “Vyuham,” directed by controversial filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma and based on the crucial events in the life of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, is in jeopardy. The Telangana High Court has suspended the film’s censor certificate and directed the National Board for Film Certification (NBFC) to reevaluate the content. The court made this decision in response to a writ petition filed by TDP general secretary Lokesh, who raised objections to the film’s content.
According to the court orders, it may take up to a month for a final decision to be reached, depending on the review committee report from the censor board. Even if the board supports Varma’s film, there is no guarantee that the court will accept it. Unfortunately, by the time a decision is made, the Election Commission of India is likely to have announced the election schedule. Any decision regarding the release of films and advertising material will have to go through the Election Commission committee.
As a result, the release of “Vyuham” before the elections seems highly unlikely. This situation poses a potential setback for the film’s purpose and impact. Conversely, another film titled “Yatra-2,” which showcases Jagan’s life history and is directed by Mahi Raghava, is primed for release in the first week of February. Reportedly, the film has successfully avoided any controversial elements.
The controversy surrounding “Vyuham” has created uncertainty and anticipation among the public. It remains to be seen how the events unfold and what impact the court’s decision will have on the film’s release. As political fervor simmers in Andhra Pradesh, the fate of “Vyuham” hangs in the balance, leaving followers and movie enthusiasts eagerly awaiting further developments.