Seoul, South Korea – “Crime Scene Returns,” the highly anticipated new season of the beloved show “Crime Scene,” has released a new poster and teaser ahead of its upcoming premiere. Known as Korea’s first RPG (Role-Playing Game) variety program, “Crime Scene” involves guests assuming different roles to solve murder cases. The show initially aired in May 2014 and received positive feedback from viewers, leading to the successful launch of its second and third seasons in 2015 and 2017 respectively.
After a seven-year hiatus, “Crime Scene Returns” is set to make a comeback in February, as officially confirmed on January 9. The dynamic lineup for the new season includes original cast members Jang Jin, Park Ji Yoon, and Jang Dong Min, along with new additions SHINee’s Key, Joo Hyun Young, and IVE’s An Yu Jin.
The newly unveiled poster features all six players strategically positioned on a crime board, surrounded by intricate clues. With the tagline “The deduction war resumes!”, the poster has generated excitement among fans eagerly awaiting the show’s return.
The teaser video starts by announcing the arrival of a fresh season, as each player makes their entrance. Immersed in case files, the cast shows varied reactions, sparking intrigue with statements like “Are we really going this far on the first case?” and “The scale is no joke.” The subsequent scenes highlight the players expressing grievances, confidently identifying culprits, and skillfully deflecting suspicion, showcasing their acting and deduction prowess.
The teaser concludes with the players declaring, “Everyone is both a suspect and a detective,” leaving viewers to wonder, “Who is the culprit?” The stage is set for an intense deduction war among the six participants.
“Crime Scene Returns” is scheduled to premiere on TVING in February. Fans are encouraged to stay tuned for updates as they await the show’s release.
In summary, “Crime Scene Returns,” the highly popular RPG variety show, will make its much-anticipated comeback in February. The new season features the original cast members alongside new additions, promising an engaging and thrilling experience for viewers. With the release of a captivating poster and teaser, excitement is building among fans eager to delve into the deduction war that awaits them. Stay tuned for the premiere of “Crime Scene Returns” on TVING in February.