Los Angeles, California – A new horror-comedy film, “Destroy All Neighbors,” showcases the chaos that ensues when a sound engineer’s attempt to deal with a noisy neighbor takes a sinister turn. The movie, produced by Alex Winter and Jonah Ray Rodrigues, combines boisterous characters, sick tunes, and gross effects. However, while the film has its entertaining moments, not all aspects of it align seamlessly.
The story revolves around William Brown, played by Jonah Ray Rodrigues, an ambitious sound engineer who is juggling various personal challenges alongside his despised day job. William’s life takes a turn for the worse when a new neighbor named Vlad, portrayed by Alex Winter, moves in and becomes a source of noise disturbance. Their confrontation ends in Vlad’s untimely demise, but it soon becomes apparent that some neighbors have a knack for staying alive.
One of the film’s highlights is its retro opening credits, reminiscent of the classic horror films of the ’50s. The title sequence sets the stage for the grotesque events that unfold throughout the movie, leaving viewers with an eerie yet intriguing feeling. While “Destroy All Neighbors” is often described as a splatter-comedy, it leans more towards a Nickelodeon-style gross-out experience for adult audiences, featuring an array of makeup effects and bodily fluids.
The film’s writing initially captivates with its enjoyable and sometimes ridiculous scenes. Notably, the sequence in which William learns how to dispose of a body through YouTube tutorials is both hilarious and enthralling. The chemistry between the main couple adds to the comedic appeal, while the inclusion of accomplished actors such as Thomas Lennon and Kumail Nanjiani in smaller roles enhances the overall performance.
At the heart of the film is Alex Winter’s portrayal of Vlad, the eccentric neighbor with a passion for music and a volatile temper. As Vlad, Winter delivers a standout performance, alternating between being William’s potential savior and his biggest obstacle. However, the character’s accent and mumbling occasionally make his dialogue hard to decipher.
While “Destroy All Neighbors” boasts a promising premise, it veers off track at times. Clocking in at just 85 minutes, the movie strikes a balance between delivering laughs and avoiding excessive indulgence. Although one might desire further exploration of the characters’ dynamics and the calamity that unfolds, the film restricts itself from including post-credit scenes or setting up potential sequels.
In conclusion, “Destroy All Neighbors” offers a unique blend of horror, comedy, and music, but it may not resonate with every viewer. The movie emphasizes that progressive rock, much like the film itself, caters to a specific audience. With an overall score of 7/10, it can be considered a successful piece of entertainment worth experiencing, even if it does not appeal to everyone.