Los Angeles, CA – Gillian Anderson, the acclaimed actress known for her roles in “The Crown” and “Sex Education,” has joined the cast of the highly-anticipated film “Tron: Ares.” The third installment in the sci-fi franchise, “Tron: Ares” is being produced by Disney and features a star-studded cast including Jared Leto, Jodie Turner-Smith, and breakout star Greta Lee.
Details about Anderson’s character and the overall plot of the film are being kept under wraps, but Disney has confirmed that Leto will play the fictional character Ares, who transcends from the virtual world of video games into reality. “Tron: Ares” will be directed by Joachim Rønning, known for his work on “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” and “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil.”
This latest addition to the “Tron” franchise follows the success of the original 1982 film starring Jeff Bridges and the 2010 sequel “Tron: Legacy” which introduced Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde to the series. While the first film struggled initially, it gained a cult following due to its groundbreaking visual effects. “Tron: Legacy” earned over $400 million at the box office during its holiday season debut.
In addition to her involvement in “Tron: Ares,” Anderson recently wrapped up filming on the feature film “Scoop,” which is based on the explosive 2019 BBC Newsnight interview with Prince Andrew regarding his association with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. In “Scoop,” Anderson portrays former BBC journalist Emily Maitlis. Anderson is also set to star alongside Jason Isaacs in the upcoming film adaptation of Raynor Winn’s bestselling memoir “The Salt Path.”
Represented by UTA and Independent Talent Group, Anderson’s addition to the cast of “Tron: Ares” further solidifies the excitement surrounding the film. With an impressive ensemble and a renowned director at the helm, fans await eagerly for the next installment in the beloved “Tron” franchise.