Los Angeles – FX, a subsidiary of Disney, is expanding its comedy lineup with a pilot order for a new comedy series titled “Snowflakes.” The show, created by writers Ben Kronengold and Rebecca Shaw, centers around a group of twentysomethings navigating life together. Executive producers for the project include Nick Kroll, Karey Dornetto, and Alicia Van Couvering.
Described as an ensemble show, “Snowflakes” follows a group of codependent housemates as they strive to be good people, despite their flaws. The pilot order comes as FX bids farewell to long-running animated series “Archer,” critically acclaimed “Reservation Dogs,” and the upcoming sixth season of “What We Do in The Shadows.”
Kronengold and Shaw previously worked as writers on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” and were the youngest writers on the show during their tenure from 2019 to 2021. They also published a short story collection, “Naked in the Rideshare,” last year.
Nick Kroll, known for his work on Netflix’s animated series “Big Mouth,” is also involved in the project as an executive producer. Karey Dornetto, who served as the showrunner for “Awkwafina Is Nora From Queens,” brings her experience from shows like “Portlandia” and “Arrested Development” to the team.
Jonathan Krisel, who directed the pilot for FX’s “English Teacher,” which earned a series pickup, has been tapped to direct “Snowflakes.” The project marks another collaboration between Krisel and FX.
No premiere date or additional details about the show have been announced at this time.
In conclusion, FX is expanding its comedy roster with the pilot order for “Snowflakes,” a series created by Ben Kronengold and Rebecca Shaw. The show, centered around a group of twentysomethings, will be executive produced by Nick Kroll, Karey Dornetto, and Alicia Van Couvering. As FX prepares to end “Archer,” “Reservation Dogs,” and “What We Do in the Shadows,” the network continues to invest in new comedy content.