Los Angeles, CA – FX has recently greenlit a pilot for the new half-hour comedy series titled “Snowflakes.” The show is set to feature a talented group of creators and producers. Ben Kronengold and Rebecca Shaw will serve as writers and executive producers, while Nick Kroll will also executive produce under his first-look deal with FX Productions. The team will be joined by Karey Dornetto as an executive producer, along with Alicia Van Couvering, president of Kroll’s Good at Business production banner, and Jonathan Krisel, who will also direct the series. FX Productions will handle production.
“Snowflakes” is described as a twenty-something ensemble comedy following a group of codependent housemates as they navigate their way through life. Kronengold and Shaw, who previously worked as writers for “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” bring their comedic expertise to the project. The duo holds the record for being the youngest writers in the show’s history. They have also released a book called “Naked in the Rideshare: Stories of Gross Miscalculations,” a collection of comedy short stories in collaboration with HarperCollins.
Nick Kroll, known for his role in the FX comedy “The League” and his work on the Netflix animated series “Big Mouth,” is excited to join the project as an executive producer. Kroll has also made appearances on the hit FX series “What We Do in the Shadows” as Simon the Devious.
Karey Dornetto, the showrunner for “Awkwafina Is Nora From Queens” and executive producer on the IFC series “Portlandia,” will lend her expertise as an executive producer for “Snowflakes.” Dornetto’s writing credits include shows like “Arrested Development” and “Community.” She has previously worked with Kroll on “Kroll Show” and has recently contributed to the FX animated series “Little Demon.”
Jonathan Krisel, a renowned director, writer, and showrunner, will helm the pilot episode of “Snowflakes.” Krisel has directed the FX pilot “English Teacher,” which has been ordered to series. He is best known for his work as a showrunner, writer, and director on IFC’s “Portlandia” and the FX series “Baskets.” Krisel has also served as an executive producer and director on “Kroll Show.”
The new comedy series “Snowflakes” is set to bring laughs as it follows a group of codependent housemates in their twenties who strive to be good people despite their flaws. With an impressive lineup of creators and producers, including Ben Kronengold, Rebecca Shaw, Nick Kroll, Karey Dornetto, and Jonathan Krisel, the show promises to deliver entertainment and hilarity. FX Productions will handle the production of the series.