LOS ANGELES, California – Max, the streaming platform previously known for airing new episodes of “Our Flag Means Death,” has decided to cancel the pirate comedy series after two seasons. The show, created by David Jenkins, gained a dedicated fanbase and cult status over the past two years with its queer subtext, farcical misunderstandings, and the captivating narration by Rhys Darby.
Despite the show’s popularity and the “gorgeous, inclusive community surrounding the show,” Max made the decision to end the series three months after its season two premiere. Jenkins expressed his disappointment on Instagram, acknowledging the support from the fans and their impact in securing another season.
“Our Flag Means Death” not only won over fans but also received positive reviews from critics. In their recap of the second season finale, which now serves as the series finale, the A.V. Club contributor Jenna Scherer praised the show’s conclusion and hoped for a potential third season.
This cancellation comes as a surprise, as the series was well-received by viewers and critics alike. However, it does not appear that the decision was based on financial reasons or a lack of audience support.
It is uncertain why Max chose to end the series, but one thing is clear – “Our Flag Means Death” will no longer be gracing screens with its unique blend of humor and adventure. Fans may be left wanting more, but they can take solace in the fact that the show left a lasting impact and created an inclusive community.
In a statement, Max thanked the dedicated fans and acknowledged the show’s influence. Although the cancellation may have brought the platform no joy, the impact of the series will be remembered.
In conclusion, Max has decided to cancel “Our Flag Means Death” after two seasons, disappointing fans and leaving many questions unanswered. The show’s unique blend of humor, adventure, and queer subtext captivated audiences and earned praise from critics. Despite the cancellation, the legacy of “Our Flag Means Death” will continue to resonate with its dedicated fanbase and the inclusive community it helped create.