New Delhi: Recently married couple Arbaaz Khan and Sshura Khan returned to Mumbai after enjoying a vacation. The couple was spotted by photographers at the airport on Friday night. Sshura Khan also shared a reel on her Instagram story, capturing a sweet moment between the two. In the video, Arbaaz Khan is seen walking while Sshura calls him from behind. He turns around and blows kisses to her. Sshura captioned the reel with “All strings attached,” to which Arbaaz Khan responded by resharing the post with the comment, “your beck and call.”
Arbaaz Khan and Sshura Khan were seen walking hand-in-hand at the airport, setting couple goals. Arbaaz sported a white tee-shirt and denims, while Sshura rocked an all-black look. Their airport appearance exuded charm and togetherness.
The couple tied the knot in an intimate ceremony at Arbaaz’s sister Arpita Khan’s house on December 24. Arbaaz Khan took to social media to share pictures from their special day, where they were seen dressed in traditional outfits. He expressed his gratitude by writing, “In the presence of our loved ones, me and mine begin a lifetime of love and togetherness from this day on! Need all your blessings and good wishes on our special day.”
During their wedding, Arbaaz dedicated the song “Tere Mast Mast Do Nain” from the film Dabangg, in which he and his brother Salman Khan starred, to his wife Sshura. In a heartfelt post, he revealed, “No wonder my father wanted me to be a cricketer instead of a singer.”
Arbaaz Khan was previously married to Malaika Arora, but they divorced in 2017. The former couple are parents to their son Arhaan.
To conclude, Arbaaz Khan and Sshura Khan made a stylish appearance at the airport upon their return from their vacation. They recently celebrated their wedding in a private ceremony and continue to share their blissful moments on social media.