Los Angeles, California – Oliver Stone, renowned filmmaker and four-time Oscar winner, has voiced his concerns about the direction of the film industry, claiming that movies like Barbie are contributing to the “infantilization of Hollywood.” In a 2023 interview, Stone criticized Ryan Gosling’s involvement in a Greta Gerwig film, suggesting that the actor should focus on “more serious films.”
According to Stone, Gosling is wasting his time by doing movies for money and instead should be pursuing more substantial projects. The director expressed his frustration with the increasing prevalence of fantasy films in Hollywood, including war pictures. Stone also took a swipe at the Fast and Furious franchise, stating that the films have become repetitive, much like Marvel movies.
During the same interview, Stone shared his thoughts on the John Wick series, starring Keanu Reeves. He revealed that he couldn’t stay awake while watching the film, describing the world portrayed in the movie as “non-logic.” It is worth noting that the John Wick series has been directed by Chad Stahelski, with the latest installment, Chapter 4, written by Shay Hatten and Michael Finch.
Oliver Stone, known for his powerful and controversial films such as Midnight Express and Born on the Fourth of July, has recently released a documentary titled Nuclear Now. The film argues for nuclear energy as a necessary solution to combat climate change.
With his extensive experience and critical acclaim in the film industry, Oliver Stone’s opinions shed light on the current state of Hollywood. As the debate about the impact of fantasy films and the need for more serious, thought-provoking content continues, filmmakers and audiences alike are grappling with the future direction of the industry.