SEOUL, South Korea – The popular psychological thriller series, “My Happy Ending,” has released stills from its upcoming episode, stirring excitement among viewers. The drama revolves around a woman who uncovers a shocking truth after being betrayed by the people she once trusted. Jang Nara takes on the lead role as the ambitious Seo Jae Won, while Son Ho Jun plays her husband, Heo Soon Young.
In the previous episode, Heo Soon Young grew suspicious of Kwon Yoon Jin and questioned her about someone named Baek Seung Gyu, who had been stalking Seo Jae Won. The tense confrontation led Heo Soon Young to discover a phone belonging to Kwon Yoon Jin with Baek Seung Gyu’s name in the call history. As their emotions and affections for each other fade, viewers are left wondering what lies ahead for these characters and how the hidden truth will be revealed.
The newly released stills depict Kwon Yoon Jin paying an unexpected visit to Professor Heo Soon Young’s office. While Heo Soon Young appears deep in thought, Kwon Yoon Jin storms into the room carrying a shopping bag. The once-happy atmosphere between the two characters is noticeably chilly, leaving viewers intrigued about the impending confrontation and the unraveling of Kwon Yoon Jin’s hidden sides.
The production team behind “My Happy Ending” teases an extreme confrontation as Heo Soon Young gradually discovers the truth about Kwon Yoon Jin. Fans who have become emotionally invested in the character of Heo Soon Young can expect their hearts to tremble as Kwon Yoon Jin’s true nature is unveiled. The upcoming episode of “My Happy Ending” is set to air on January 20 at 9:10 p.m. KST.