Madrid, Spain – Sofia Vergara, known for her role in the hit series “Modern Family,” is making a comeback on TV screens with the upcoming crime drama “Griselda” on Netflix. However, a recent interview in Spain took an unexpected turn when the host of the show, “El Hormiguero,” seemingly offended the actress.
During the interview, Vergara mentioned her character Gloria Pritchett from “Modern Family” in Spanish. The host, Pablo Motos, interrupted her and questioned her pronunciation of the show’s title. Taking offense to his comment, Vergara responded by asking if her pronunciation did not sound right because Motos spoke English better than her. She further challenged him by asking how many Emmy nominations and Golden Globe nominations he had received in the United States.
Despite the exchange, Vergara expressed gratitude on her Instagram post for being invited to appear on the show. In the comments section, fans praised her for her handling of the situation and criticized Motos for his comments. This is not the first time the actress has faced criticism over her accent, as a video from 2020 showed Ellen DeGeneres making fun of her accent on her former daytime show. Vergara defended DeGeneres, stating that they were both comedians having fun with each other.
In her new role in “Griselda,” Vergara portrays the character Griselda Blanco, a notorious drug queenpin who built a profitable cartel in Miami during the 1970s and 1980s. The show is based on true events and explores Blanco’s life, which ultimately led to her assassination in 2012. “Griselda” is set to be released on January 25th.