NEW YORK, NY – The finale of the show “The Curse” has left viewers stunned and perplexed. The episode, titled “Green Queen,” takes a surreal turn as Asher and Whitney’s Shabbat dinner turns into a heated debate about Cara’s decision to quit the art world. Asher struggles to articulate his thoughts on art and ultimately suggests that extreme measures are sometimes necessary.
Throughout the series, the creators of “The Curse” went to great lengths to immerse viewers in the tumultuous Seigel marriage. The show tackled topics such as reality TV, gentrification, and marriage dynamics, but it was often more interesting to talk about than to watch. However, there were moments that stood out, such as Asher’s response to Whitney’s confessional videos.
Viewers who stuck with the series have expressed confusion about the finale. In “Green Queen,” Asher defies the laws of gravity and is sent hurtling into space while Whitney gives birth to their child. The sudden twist raises questions about how it fits into the overall narrative and what message the creators are trying to convey.
The inclusion of supernatural elements is not entirely surprising, considering the show’s name. Throughout the season, there were hints that Nala, one of the characters, possessed special powers. However, the extreme deviation from the established storyline feels disconnected and renders much of the previous episodes meaningless.
While the finale offers some interesting moments, such as the Seigels’ virtual appearance on Rachael Ray’s show, the overall execution is jarring. Whitney’s newfound joy in motherhood and Asher’s unfortunate fate seem incongruous with the themes and stories explored in the earlier episodes. The character of Dougie, who remained enigmatic throughout, also raises unanswered questions.
This departure from expectations is not unfamiliar territory for the show’s creator, Nathan Fielder. Both of his previous TV shows, “Nathan For You” and “The Rehearsal,” concluded in unexpected ways. However, the success of these endings varied, leaving some viewers disappointed.
In conclusion, the finale of “The Curse” has left viewers bewildered and questioning the purpose of the series. Its extreme departure from the established narrative brings into question the significance of the preceding episodes. The show’s creator, Nathan Fielder, has once again delivered an ending that defies expectations, but whether it resonates with the audience remains to be seen.