Tokyo, Japan – The highly anticipated anime adaptation of the stage play “Touken Ranbu Kyoden Moyuru Honnōji” revealed a teaser video and visual during the “Touken Ranbu Online Ninth Anniversary’s Eve! Nine Big Announcements Starting at Nine” event. The video unveiled the anime’s title, “Touken Ranbu Kai: Kyoden Moyuru Honnōji,” along with the main cast, main staff, and its premiere date set for April.
The original cast members from the franchise will be reprising their roles in the anime. Kazuya Ichikawa, known for directing “Bakugan” and “Monster Strike the Animation,” will be helming the project at Domerica. The stage play’s director and playwright, Kenichi Suemitsu, who previously worked on “Welcome to the Ballroom” and “Delico’s Nursery,” will be overseeing and writing the scripts. Mari Takada, the character designer for “Bakugan” and “Monster Strike the Animation,” is in charge of character design, while Ryūnosuke Kasai, known for composing music for “7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life,” “Fluffy Paradise,” and “Love After World Domination,” will be handling the music.
“Touken Ranbu Kyoden Moyuru Honnōji” is the first of 15 stage plays that do not incorporate music and are based on the popular “Touken Ranbu Online” game. The play follows the story of Fudō Yukimitsu, a sword anthropomorphized as a character from Japanese history. In this case, the character is the sword that legendary leader Oda Nobunaga received from his attendant, Mori Ranmaru.
The “Touken Ranbu” franchise has garnered immense popularity, resulting in numerous adaptations across different mediums. It has inspired a television anime series titled “Katsugeki: Touken Ranbu,” an upcoming anime film, and two anime series of its spinoff, “Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru,” along with a trilogy of anime films and a compilation film. Additionally, the franchise has given rise to live-action films, stage musicals, stage plays, and various manga adaptations.
Johren, the English publisher of the original “Touken Ranbu” browser game, released an English version of the game in April 2021, followed by the smartphone version in August of the same year. However, Johren announced the closure of both the English and Chinese versions of the game on August 21, 2023.
In related news, Sanrio’s “Wanpaku! Touken Ranbu” project is also set to receive an anime adaptation. Furthermore, the kabuki stage play “Touken Ranbu: Tsuki no Tsurugi Enishi no Kiri no wa” will be screened in Japanese theaters starting April 5th.
The anime adaptation of “Touken Ranbu Kai: Kyoden Moyuru Honnōji” is highly anticipated by fans worldwide. With an all-star cast and a talented production team, the April release is sure to captivate audiences with its unique blend of historical sword personification and engaging storytelling.