MTV reality stars Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra, known for their appearance on “Teen Mom,” have faced criticism after they created an OnlyFans page to showcase Tyler’s muscular physique. Despite the backlash, Tyler defended his career choice and responded to comments about his daughter’s adoptive parents not wanting to be associated with his content.
Last year, the couple launched Tyler’s OnlyFans page, capitalizing on his impressive physical transformation and muscle gain. Catelynn recently shared a video on X (formerly known as Twitter) promoting his page, which featured revealing underwear photos. Tyler, anticipating backlash, explained the context of the video and why they turned to the subscription-based platform.
Addressing the criticism, Tyler defended his OnlyFans venture, emphasizing that he is proud of his body and not ashamed of it. He highlighted the fun they are having together and the success they have achieved, boasting that their OnlyFans page is already making six figures and among the top 1%.
When followers questioned the future of their revenue stream and the reaction of their daughter Carly’s adoptive parents, Brandon and Teresa Davis, Tyler remained unfazed. He expressed that he is not concerned about meeting anyone’s expectations except his own. The couple has had a complex relationship with Carly’s adoptive parents, whom they placed her with for adoption when they were teenagers.
Tyler also engaged with a follower who criticized his OnlyFans endeavor as degrading. In response, he stated that he wants to raise his daughters with a positive body image and reject societal shame around nudity. He believes bodies should be embraced and expressed freely.
Speaking about their OnlyFans page, Catelynn revealed that she manages the content and interactions with fans. While they are comfortable sharing some aspects of their lives, they draw the line at X-rated content, as they are mindful of their status as parents.
Overall, Catelynn and Tyler’s OnlyFans venture continues to generate attention and support, despite the occasional criticism. They are determined to embrace their bodies and live life on their own terms, with Tyler’s transformation capturing the interest of fans and fueling their financial success on the platform.