NEW DELHI: Bollywood’s iconic actresses Zeenat Aman and Neetu Kapoor will grace the upcoming episode of “Koffee With Karan” with their timeless charm. The veteran divas are set to share their on-screen collaborations in classic movies such as “The Great Gambler,” “Yaadon Ki Baaraat,” “Dharamveer,” and “Heeralal Pannalal.” During the conversation, host Karan Johar asks Zeenat about her adventures in the ’70s, to which she replies with a mischievous smile and a diplomatic “No comment.” Neetu Kapoor, on the other hand, does a hilarious mimicry of Zeenat’s temple visit. The promo also teases an intriguing moment when Zeenat reveals that someone sent her a mysterious box, and she points directly at Neetu when asked to reveal the sender.
Karan further turns the spotlight on Neetu Kapoor and inquires about her secret crush from the good old days. To everyone’s surprise, Neetu confesses her crush on Shashi Kapoor, her uncle by relation, since Rishi Kapoor, her late husband, was Shashi Kapoor’s brother.
The episode featuring Zeenat Aman and Neetu Kapoor is set to release on Disney+Hotstar on January 11. Zeenat Aman is making her comeback to the big screen with the film “Bun Tikki,” and she will be seen alongside Abhay Deol and Shabana Azmi. Neetu Kapoor was last seen in “Jugjugg Jeeyo.”
The anticipation for the episode is high as fans look forward to witnessing these legends share their charm on the “Koffee With Karan” couch. It will undoubtedly be an exciting and nostalgic moment for Karan Johar, as he expressed in an Instagram post tagging both Zeenat Aman and Neetu Kapoor.
In this new installment of “Koffee With Karan,” viewers can expect to delve into the intriguing stories and experiences of Zeenat Aman and Neetu Kapoor, as they offer a glimpse into their journey in the Indian film industry. The episode promises to be a delightful blend of nostalgia, wit, and captivating anecdotes.
To catch the episode and witness the timeless divas in conversation, tune in to Disney+Hotstar on January 11.